I love this game, I find myself immersed, I'm not sure where the RPG elements lie but that might be further into the game. One thing I did notice is that sometimes when you tell your units to fall back there may be one or two units that don't do anything and just hold position until you tell them that they can attack, this might need some fixing unless it's intended but I'm not sure why it would be. The game itself is very nice. Nice visuals and nice execution of the concept. Very starcraft-esque theme but hey, that works well. So why not? I can't wait to play the fixed version even if the only problem I found were those wayward units. I like how you gave the AI higher starting minerals and gas etc etc. Makes the game more intersting with the overwhelming odds thing. All in all a great game and I will play it for a while at least :) Keep it up. Also, your english is fine, perhaps it's similar to the game, fix up those wayward units and it'll be awesome. :)
-Dark Artisan :)